"Lulzim Basha, fytyra e mashtrimit" - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

VizionPlusAlbania 2015-11-22

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Aleanca Kuqezi ka zgjedhur ambientet para Bashkise se Tiranes për te denoncuar mosmbajtjen e premtimeve nga ana e Lulzim Bashes. Sipas aktivisteve te kësaj force politike, 425 dite pas marrjes se detyrës si kreu i Bashkisë se kryeqytetit, Basha nuk ka arritur te mbaj asnjë nga premtimet e tij. Linja e tramit ka qene një nga premtimet e Bashes i cila u prezantua me shume buje gjate fushatës, por pas me shume se një viti ky projekt nuk është konkretizuar. Aleanca Kuqezi i ka bere thirrje kryebashkiakut Basha qe te nisë te punojë për Tiranen dhe te mos mjaftohet vetëm me fushatën e biçikletave. Kjo force politike ka premtuar se ne ditët ne vijim do te beje publike te tjera premtime te pambajtura te Bashes.

Red and Black Alliance has chosen the premises before the Municipality of Tirana to denounce the failure of promises by the Basha. According to the activists of this political force 425 days after taking office as head of the Municipality of the capital, Basha has failed to keep any of his promises. Tram line has been one of the promises bashes which was introduced more headlines during the campaign, but after more than a year, this project is not documented. Red and Black Alliance has called Mayor Basha to start work Tirana and not only suffice bicycle campaign. This political force has promised that in the coming days will make other public Basha's unkept promises.

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