Sherr masiv ne Tirane - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

VizionPlusAlbania 2015-11-22

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Një ngjarje e pazakonte ka ndodhur pasditen e te enjtes ne qendër te Tiranes. Nje gërvishtje e vogël e një makine ka prodhuar një sherr banal, qe arriti deri ne përdorimin e sendeve te forta e ne dhune fizike. 3 efektive policie, te veshur civile te cilët po lëviznin me një makine tip BMW me targa gjermane kane parakaluar me shpejtësi dhe kane gërvishtur një autobus qe transportonte punonjësit e një firme private.
Sapo autobusi ka ndaluar ne stacion, efektivet e policisë qe dyshohet te jene efektive te njësisë operacionale, kane zbritur nga makina e kane goditur shoferin me tytën e pistoletës, ndërsa kane thyer xhamat e autobusit. Kane qene banoret e lagjes dhe kalimtaret e rastit qe kane njoftuar policinë. Me te mbërritur ne vend-ngjarja forcat e rendit kane dale ne mbrojtje te shoferit te pa armatosur dhe kane nisur te konfliktuohen me policet civile. Këta te fundit madje kane nxjerre edhe armët e zjarrit por fatmirësisht asnjë pale nuk ka qëlluar. Gjithë konflikti ka zgjatur për rreth 30 minuta, duke shkaktuar panik si dhe bllokim te trafikut. Nga dëshmitë e para mësohet se kane mbetur te plagosur lehte 2 police si dhe shoferi i autobusit, i cili mësohet se është ne gjendje me te rende.

An unusual event took place Thursday afternoon in the center of Tirana. A small scratch a car has produced a banal hassle that came up strong items use of physical violence. 3 effective civilian dressed police who were moving with a BMW type car with German plates have rapidly overtaking and have scratched a bus carrying employees of a private firm.
Once the bus has stopped at the station, police officers suspected of being effective operational unit, have dropped from cars have hit the driver with the barrel of the gun, and have broken windows of the bus. Have been residents of the neighborhood and passers-by who have called the police. On arrival in-country enforcement event have come out in defense of unarmed driver and have begun to konfliktuohen with civilian police. These latter have even issued firearms but luckily no other party has no shot. All conflict has lasted for about 30 minutes, causing panic and traffic jam. On the evidence before it was learned that have remained slightly wounded 2 policemen and the bus driver, who taught that it is in serious condition.

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