Austriaket marrin kontrollin e naftës - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

VizionPlusAlbania 2015-11-22

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Pas llotarisë kombëtare, nje tjeter kompani austriake ka fituar te drejten e kontrollit te cilesise se karburanteve ne dogane.
Global Fluids International eshte kompania fituese e koncesionit 10 vjeçare. Ky eshte nje konsorcium i cili perbehet edhe nga dy kompani te tjera. Ministria e Financave ka bere publike vetem pak dite me pare fituesin, nje proces ky i cili ka kaluar ne heshtje te plote. Ofertat ne tender ishin paraqitur qe ne daten 14 maj, po ne gare ishte leshuar nje oferte, nga konsorciumi tashme fitues. Sipas te dhenave, ky koncesion u dha pas ofertes prej 4 milion dollare qe ofroi kompania austriake, vlere e cila konsiston ne investimet qe do te kryhen. Puna e kesaj kompanie konsiston ne verifikimin e cilësisë se karburanteve ne momentin qe do zhdoganohen. Tregu i naftës dhe benzinës qarkullon ne vend kap vleren e rreth 1 miliarde dollareve ne vit, dhe parashikohet qe 10% e sasise qe hidhet ne treg, eshte jashte standardeve per konsum. Fitimi i ketij koncesioni nga kompania austriake ishte i pritshëm, pasi nje vit me pare, qeveria nëpërmjet nje vendimi miratoi nje bonus per te per shkak te paraqitjes se pa kerkuar te ofertës, duke e bere me te lehte rrugen drejt fitimit. Punes per verifikimin e cilsise se naftes, do t'i vije ne ndihme edhe inspektorati qendrore teknik, nje institucion ky qe kontrollon cilësinë e karburanteve, ne pikat e tregtimit me pakice apo shumice.

After the national lottery, another Austrian company has won the right to control the quality of fuel in customs.
Global Fluids International is the company winning the concession of 10 years. This is a consortium consisting of two other companies. The Ministry of Finance has made ??public only a few days ago the winner, a process that has passed in complete silence. Tender bids were submitted on 14 May, is in the race was issued an offer, already winning consortium. According to the data, this concession was given after the offer of 4 million dollars was offered the Austrian company, which consists of investment value to be carried out. The work of this company consists of verifying the quality of the fuel at the time to be cleared. Oil and gas market circulates in the country amount to about $ 1 billion per year, and estimated that 10% of the quantity placed on the market, is out standards for consumption. Acquisition of this concession by the Austrian company was expected, since a year ago, the government through a decision adopted a bonus due to the introduction of Nintendo to offer, making it easier path to profit. Working for quality checking the oil, will come to the aid of Central Technical Inspectorate, an institution that controls the quality of fuel in retail or wholesale trading points.

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