Nis me probleme viti akademik - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

VizionPlusAlbania 2015-11-22

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Protesta pedagogesh, fluks studentesh dhe mungese ambientesh ne universitete. Kështu ka nisur edhe ky vit akademik per shkollat e larta publike. Rreth 30 pedagoge te Universitetit te Sporteve kane pezulluar per nje ore mësimin, duke deklaruar vijim te protestave nese ministria nuk zgjidh ngerçin e krijuar nga moskryerja e zgjedhjeve ne këtë institucion. Ndërkohë Universitetet e tjera publike edhe kete vit akademik janë përballuar me te njëjtin problem, mungesën e auditorëve. Rektoret deklarojnë si zgjidhje vetëm ndërtimin e kampuseve universitare. Krahas shqetësimeve gati te ngjashme ne te gjitha shkollat e larta, per here te pare ne universitetin e Tiranes gjuha shqipe dhe Drejtshkrimi do te jete lende me vete. 160 mije studente te universiteteve publike nisin vitin e ri akademik, ku 22 mije i drejtohen per here te pare auditorëve. Ndërkohë, studentet e rinj te shpallur fitues, brenda nje jave duhet te dorëzojnë dokumentacionin ne sekretaritë e fakulteteve përkatëse. Ndërsa ministria e Arsimit pritet te kryeje procesin e shpërndarjes se 4100 kuotave te mbetura bosh kryesisht ne universitetet ne rrethe.

Faculty protests, the influx of students and lack of facilities in the universities. Thus began this academic year for public universities. About 30 have Sports University professor suspended for an hour lesson, stating the following to protest if the ministry does not solve the impasse created by the failure of elections in this institution. While other public universities this academic year are faced with the same problem, lack of auditors. Rector state as the only solution building university campuses. In addition to concerns about similar in all high schools, for the first time at the University of Tirana, the Albanian language and spelling will be the matter with him. 160 thousand students of public universities begin the new academic year, where 22 thousand addressed for the first time auditors. Meanwhile, young students awarded within a week must submit documentation on the relevant faculties secretaries. While the Ministry of Education is expected to carry out the process of distribution of remaining 4100 shares mostly empty district universities.

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