Naço për koalicionin PD-LSI - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

VizionPlusAlbania 2015-11-22

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Koalicioni PD -- LSI është ende funksional, por e ardhmja e tij është e paqarte.
Rreth 6 muaj para mbajtjes se zgjedhjeve te përgjithshme parlamentare, deputeti i LSI Nasip Naço shprehet per Vizion Plus se marrëveshja me demokratet nuk përfshin hyrjen ne zgjedhje ne nje koalicion. Zoti Naço reagoi edhe deklaratave te kreut te grupit demokrat astrit Patozi, se PD nuk ka nevoje për LSI ne procesin e ardhshëm elektoral. Por vota e LSI kundër qëndrimit te PD per ngritjen e komisionit parlamentar për mandatin ne qarkun Kukes, ka patur prapa edhe nje llogari elektorale te kesaj force politike. LSI do te kundërshtoje me vote ne parlament, heqjen e nje mandati ne qarkun e Beratit. Ne votimin e se enjtes, per ngritjen e Komisionit hetimor kërkuar nga PS, 3 deputete te LSI bashkuan votat me socialistet, ndërsa Ministri Vangjel Tavo abstenoi.

PD coalition - LSI is still functioning, but his future is uncertain.
About 6 months prior to the parliamentary elections, Deputy LSI Nasip Naco said Vizion Plus the deal with the Democrats does not include access to the polls in a coalition. Mr. Naco responded to statements Democrat group leader Astrit Patozi, DP needs to LSI in the next election process. But LSI vote against stay PM to set up parliamentary committee for serving in Kukes district, has been behind a constituency account of this political force. LSI will object to the vote in parliament, the removal of a mandate in the district of Portland. We vote Thursday, for the establishment of the Commission of inquiry requested by the SP, 3 MP LSI votes Socialists joined while Minister Vangjel Tavo abstained.

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