"...Nuk duhet te ketë privatizime 6 muaj para zgjedhjeve".
Kjo eshte deklarata e liderit te opozitës se kohës, Sali Berisha qe mban daten 15 shkurt 2005, thene ndryshe rreth 5 muaj para zgjedhjeve parlamentare te korrikut 2005. Thirrja dhe premtimi i atëhershëm i kreut te PD, sot kryeministër, ishte per anulimin e privatizimeve apo shitjeve strategjike ne muajt e fundit para zgjedhjeve. Megjithatë, pas 7 vitesh e gjysme ne qeverisje, ky premtim duket i harruar. Javët e fundit u finalizua shitja e kompanisë se naftës Albpetrol dhe 4 HEC-eve, megjithëse jemi me pak se 6 muaj nga data e zgjedhjeve te radhes. Duke komentuar deklaratat e liderit te opozitës Edi Rama, per anulim te kontratave me blerësin e 4 HEC-eve nese vijne ne pushtet, ish zv/ministri i Energjetikes Bello mendon se eshte baza ligjore per t'i rrezuar keto marrëveshje.
"... There will be no privatization 6 months before the election."
This is the statement of opposition leader Sali Berisha time that is dated February 15, 2005, in other words about 5 months before the parliamentary elections of July 2005. Call and then promise the DP leader, now prime minister, was for the annulment of the privatization or strategic sales in the months before the election. However, after 7 and a half years in government, this promise seems forgotten. Last weeks was finalized the sale of oil company Albpetrol and 4 HPPs, though are less than 6 months from the date of the next elections. Commenting on the statements of opposition leader Edi Rama, for cancellation of the contract with the buyer of 4 HPPs if come to power, former Deputy / Energy Minister Bello thinks that is the legal basis for these agreements overruled.