Mazhoranca dhe opozita ndajnë qëndrime krejt te kundërta per funksionimin dhe problematiken e medias ne Shqipëri.
Kryetarja e Komisionit Parlamentar per Mediat Valentina Leskaj tha ne nje forum per rolin e medias ne procesin integrues, se ndikimi i qeverise ka prishur konkurrencën e lire. Por ministrja e Integrimit Majlinda Bregu pohoi se shumica aktuale, e ka bere pjesën e saj per te garantuar lirinë e medias. Ajo renditi si hap kyç ne kete drejtim, mos-procedimin penal te gazetareve nga zyrtaret. Për opozitën, ekzekutivi ka transformuar rolin primar te Televizionit publik. Zyrtaret europiane theksuan ne nje vend qe aspiron te behet pjese e BE-së nuk mjafton vetëm fjala e lire, por edhe media e lire.
Majority and the opposition share quite opposite attitudes and problematic functioning of the media in Albania.
President of the Parliamentary Commission on Media, Valentina Leskaj said at a forum on the role of media in the integration process, the influence of government has broken free competition. But Bregu Integration Minister claimed that the current majority has done its part to ensure media freedom. It is listed as a key step in this direction, non-criminal prosecution of journalists by officials. For the opposition, the executive has transformed the primary role of public television. European officials emphasized in a country that aspires to become part of the EU is not enough word free, but free media.