Ligji i medias për Këshillin Drejtues të RTSH - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

VizionPlusAlbania 2015-11-22

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Shoqatat qe mbrojne te drejtat e njeriut ne Shqiperi kundërshtojnë kriteret per emerimin e kandidateve per Keshillin Drejtues te RTSH, duke i klasifikuar disa pjese te draftit si diskriminuese. Ne nenin 82 te projektligjit per "Mediat", siguruar nga Vizion Plus, thuhet se Kandidate mund te jene edhe persona me aftesi te kufizuara. Sinan Tafaj qe drejton shoqatën e te verbërve shprehet se e drejta e kandidimit eshte e garantuar dhe formulimi i nismes cenon kete shtrese. Kjo pasi Kushtetuta thote se askush nuk mund të diskriminohet padrejtësisht për gjendjen sociale. Relatori socialist i projektit, Alfred Dalipi pranon se neni mund te rishikohet por shton se qellimi i hartimit te kesaj nisme eshte perputhja me standardet e BE-së. Projektligji u miratua ne parim me kompromis nga Komisioni parlamentar i Medias. Ky eshte drafti me voluminoz depozituar ne Kuvend, ka rreth 140 nene dhe eshte i pari Ligj i plote ne fushen e transmetimeve me ze e figure.

Associations that protect human rights in Albania reject criteria for the nomination of candidates for Board of ART, classifying some parts of the draft as discriminatory. In Article 82 of the draft law on "media", provided by Vision Plus, said that the Candidate may be persons with disabilities. Sinan Tafaj that leads the blind association states that the right of nomination is guaranteed and the wording of the initiative violates this layer. This is because the Constitution says that no one may be discriminated against on the social situation. Socialist rapporteur of the project, Alfred Dalipi admits that article can be reviewed, but adds that the objective of the development of this initiative is to align with EU standards. The draft law was endorsed in principle with the compromise of Parliamentary Media Commission. This is a voluminous draft submitted to Parliament, has over 140 articles and is the first law in full voice broadcasting field figure.

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