Tirana ka prezantuar blerjet e reja ne merkaton e janarit per fazen e dyte te superliges.
Ata jane Herbi Fortunat, Eleandro Pema, Fatmir Hysenbelliu dhe Mario Xhuti. Drejtuesit bardheblu konfirmuan edhe rinovimin e kontrates me futbollistin kryesor te tyre, Gilman Liken duke e quajtur si objektivin kryesor per mosprishjen e grupit. Nderkohe u shpalosen edhe objektivat: vendi i dyte ne superlige qe përkthehet ndryshe pjesëmarrje ne kupat e Evropës sezonin e ardhshëm. Superliga eshte dhe fronti kryesor i Tiranës pas largimit nga kupa e Shqipërisë. Aktualisht bardheblute ndodhen ne vend te trete me 22 pike, nje me pak se Teuta dhe 11 pike larg kryesuesve te Skënderbeut.
Tirana has introduced new purchases in Merkato January for the second phase of super.
They are Herbie Fortune, Eleandro Tree, Fatmir Hysenbelliu and Mario Xhuti. White and blue executives confirmed the renewal of the contract with their main football player, Gilman Lika calling as the main target group for incorruption. While unfolding the objectives: second place in the Superliga that translates otherwise participating in European Cups next season. Superliga is the main front of Tirana after leaving Albania cup. Currently the white are in third place with 22 points, one less than Teuta and 11 points away from the heads of Skanderbeg.