Berisha: Heqja e takses per pagat - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

VizionPlusAlbania 2015-11-22

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Ashtu si ne mbledhjen e grupit parlamentar, edhe ne mbledhjen e qeverise kryeministri Berisha ka zgjedhur te flase per heqjen e taksës per te ardhurat personale per te gjithe ata qytetare qe marrin nje page me te ulet se 30 mije leke.
Sipas kryeministrit nga kjo mase përfitojnë 200 mije persona te cileve iu rritet paga me 10%. Shefi i ekzekutivit ka pranuar se heqja e takses per kete kategori pagash dhe heqja e TVSh per importin e makinerive krijon vështirësi ne buxhet nga mungesa e ketyre te ardhurave por sipas tij ato jane vetem te përkohshme. Duke u ndalur serish tek debati mes takses se sheshte dhe asaj progresive, kryeministri ka pranuar se kjo mase shënon nje reformim te sistemit te takses se sheshte te aplikuar nga qeveria. Berisha nderkaq ka kerkuar nga ministri i Jashtëm qe te hyje ne negociata me vendet e be per te amnistuar personat te cilet per parregullsi ne dokumente iu eshte ndaluar hyrja ne keto shtete para se te vendosej liberalizimi i regjimit te vizave.

Just as in the parliamentary group meeting, in the meeting of Prime Minister Berisha government has chosen to talk about the removal of personal income tax for all those citizens who receive a salary lower than 30 thousand lek.
According to the prime minister of this measure benefit 200 thousand persons whose salary was increased by 10%. Chief executive admitted that the removal of the tax for this category of wages and the removal of VAT on import of machinery creates difficulties in the budget by the absence of these revenues, but according to him, they are only temporary. Referring again to the debate between the flat tax and the progressive, the Prime Minister admitted that this measure marks a flat-tax system reform applied by the government. Berisha meanwhile, has asked the Foreign Minister to enter into negotiations with the EU for amnesty persons who for irregularities in the documents had been denied entry to these countries before moving to the liberalization of the visa regime.

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