Tavo për debatin mbi shendetesine - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

VizionPlusAlbania 2015-11-22

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Pas akuzave te opozitës per degradimin e sistemit shëndetësor ne Shqiperi, reagojne kreret e ministrisë se Shendetesise dhe Institutit te Sigurimeve te Kujdesit Shendetesor.
Ministri Vangjel Tavo dhe drejtoresha e ISKSH Elvana Hana kane deklaruar se reformat e ndërmarra gjate tete viteve kane qene te suksesshme dhe kane gjetur mbeshtetjen e organizmave nderkombetare. Gjate analizes vjetore te ISKSH-së, drjetoresha Elvana Hana deklaroi se muajin mars hyn ne fuqi ligji i ri i sigurimeve shëndetësore. Kjo do te thote se te gjithe pacientet e siguruar do te përfitojnë disa sherbime falas edhe nga spitalet private. Kreret e ISKSH-së i cilesuan te suksesshme reformat e kryera ne sistemin shëndetësor. Sipas Hanes saj eshte rinovuar 1/3 e listes se barnave te rimbursuara, fondi se ciles eshte 2.4 here me i larte se ne vitin 2005. Ndërkohë, gjate ketij viti jane trajtuar rreth 58 mije raste te reja me sëmundje kronike kryesisht hipertension, diabet dhe sëmundje kardiake.

After accusations of opposition to the degradation of the health system in Albania, react heads of the Ministry of Health and the Health Insurance Institute.
Vangjel Tavo Minister and Director HII Elvana Hana have stated that the reforms undertaken during the eight years they have been successful and have found the support of international organizations. During the annual analysis of HII, drjetoresha Linkin Hana said that March comes into force the new health insurance law. This means that all insured patients will receive several free services from private hospitals. Heads of HII ranked successful reforms carried out in the health system. According to her Hanes is new 1/3 of the list of reimbursed drugs, whose fund is 2.4 times higher than in 2005. Meanwhile, this year are treated around 58 thousand new cases of chronic diseases mainly hypertension, diabetes and heart disease.

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