Rama takohet me Stefan Fyle - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

VizionPlusAlbania 2015-11-22

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Kryesocialisti Edi Rama, ne diten e dyte te vizites se tij ne Bruksel ka takuar komisionerin Stefan Fyle.
Ndersa ka postuar ne twitter foto te takimit, Rama deklaron se teme e bisedes mes tyre ka qene liria e zgjedhjeve dhe retorika nacionaliste e theksuar kohet e fundit ne Shqiperi. Sipas Rames, opozita shqiptare eshte shprehur e vendosur te garantoje voten e lire dhe te lere pas fantazmat e manipulimit. Nje dite me pare, Rama u takua me Hanes Svoboda, kreu i socialisteve ne Parlamentin Europian. Ky i fundit deklaroi se ne Shqiperi ka ardhur koha per rotacion politik. Gjithashtu, ai akuzoi kryeministrin aktual Berisha se ka penguar integrimin e shqiptareve ndersa premtoi se kesaj radhe nderkombetaret do te monitorojne ndryshe zgjedhjet, per te garantuar mos cenimin e votes. Pak minuta me pare, Rama deklaroi ne rrjetin social twitter se çdo dite rritet vemendja e ndrrkombrtareve per zgjedhjet e qershorit dhe forcohet bindja se ato jane vendimtare per te ardhmen e Shqiperise.

Kryesocialisti Edi Rama, on the second day of his visit to Brussels met with Commissioner Stefan Fule.
As posted on Twitter pictures of the meeting, Rama declares that the topic of conversation between them was the freedom of elections and nationalist rhetoric emphasized recently in Albania. According to Rama, Albania's opposition stated determined to ensure a free vote and leave behind the ghosts of manipulation. A day earlier, Rama met with Hannes Swoboda, leader of the Socialists in the European Parliament. The latter stated that Albania is time for political rotating. He also accused the current Prime Minister Berisha has prevented the integration of Albanians and promised that this time the internationals will monitor different choices to guarantee the inviolability of votes. A few minutes ago, Rama said social network twitter that every day increases the attention of ndrrkombrtareve for June elections and strengthened the belief that they are crucial for the future of Albania.

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