AK marshim kunder Berishës - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

VizionPlusAlbania 2015-11-23

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Nga Peshkopia Aleanca Kuq e Zi ka nisur marshimin për protestën e madhe nen moton "një 7 prill pa Berishën". Kreu i kësaj partie Kreshnik Spahiu sulmoi serish kryeministrin Berisha, te cilin e cilëson si shkaktar te problemeve me te cilat përballet sot vendi. Gjate nje ndalese tek Rruga e Arberit, Spahiu preu dhe shiritin simbolik te mashtrimit, duke akuzuar kryeministrin se ka penguar ndërtimin e këtij aksi. Pas tubimeve ne gjithë vendin, Aleanca Kuq e Zi do te zhvilloje një miting ne kryeqytet me 7 prill, për ti dhëne fund sipas spahiut qeverisjes se mbrapshte te kryeministrit Berisha.

Peshkopia Red and Black Alliance has launched large protest march under the slogan "an April 7 Berisha". The party leader Kreshnik Spahiu again attacked Prime Minister Berisha, which qualifies as the cause of the problems facing the country today. During a stopover to Road Arberit, Spahiu cut the symbolic ribbon fraud, accusing the prime minister that has prevented the construction of this axis. At rallies across the country, the Red and Black Alliance will hold a rally in the capital on April 7, to abate by Sefa astray government of Prime Minister Berisha.

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