Rama për punësimin dhe prezantimi i Evis Kushit - Vizion Plus - News, Lajme

VizionPlusAlbania 2015-11-23

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Punesimi eshte çeshtja kryesore tek e cila lideri i opozites Edi Rama eshte perqendruar gjate prezantimit te programit te se majtes ne Gramsh.
Rama ka premtuar se nese PS vjen ne pushtet, ne 4 vitet e ardhshme do te hape 300 mije vende te reja pune. Sipas Rames, rivali politik Berisha eshte i pabesueshem ne premtimet e tij per punesimin pasi gjate ketij mandate ai jo vetem nuk hapi asnje vend te ri pune; por 51 mije shqiptare e humben vendin e tyre te punes. Rama ka premtuar edhe nje qasje te re ndaj sektorit te bujqësisë nese shqiptaret e votojnë qe ai te jete kryeministër.Nderkohe, partia Socialiste ka prezantuar nje tjeter kandidat per deputet. Dekania e fakultetit Ekonomik ne Universitetin e Elbasanit, Evis Kushi, eshte kandidatja per deputete, nen siglen e PS, per qarkun e Elbasanit. Profesoria e asociuar deklaroi se do te punoje per zhvillimin e qytetit te saj dhe Universitetin ku punon prej vitesh. Ndërsa kryesocialsiti Edi Rama, u shpreh se pas 23 qershorit do te hyje ne zbatim programi i Rilindjes Kombëtare. Sipas Rames, ai eshte programi me i mire qeverisës, i cili nxjerr Shqipërinë nga kriza, mbështet arsimin, bujqësinë, lufton kriminalitetin dhe rrit punësimin.

Occupation is a key issue to which opposition leader Edi Rama is placed during the presentation of the program of the left in Gramsh.
Rama promised that if SP comes to power, we will open the next 4 years 300 thousand new jobs. According to Rama, Berisha's political rival is incredible in his promises for employment because during this mandate he not only did not open any new work place; but 51 thousand Albanians lost their place of work. Rama has promised a new approach to agriculture sector if Albanians vote that he be kryeministër.Nderkohe, has introduced another Socialist party candidate for deputy. Dean of the Faculty of Economics at the University of Elbasan, Evis Kushi, is a candidate for deputy, under the banner of SP, Elbasan County. Associate professor said he would work for the development of its city and University where he works for years. While kryesocialsiti Edi Rama, said that after June 23 will enter the Renaissance program implementation. According to Rama, he is the best program governance, which exports Albania crisis, supports education, agriculture, fights crime and increased employment.

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