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VizionPlusAlbania 2015-11-23

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"Jeta qe ne dhanë", libri i përfolur i shkrimtarit dhe poetit Bardhyl Londo ka dale tashme ne radhën e botimeve te reja. Sic ishte shprehur ne intervistat e tij mediatike, Londo rrëfen ne mbi 200 faqe kujtime personale mbi jetën e shkrimtarit por edhe ate te brezit te tij, nen diktaturën komuniste. Ajo çka pritet te ngjalle me shume kërshëri ne libër është e shkruara haptazi mbi marrëdhëniet e tij me Kadarenë, ne kohen kur këtij te fundit i ndaluan romanin e njohur "Pallati i Ëndrrave". Një tjetër autor i njohur vendas publikon këtë jave mes botimeve te reja. Moikon Zeqo sjell "Ofelia me mjeker", libër te cilin ai e quan nje përmbledhje me prozat e te jetuarit seprapthi. Irma Kurti, autore e njohur e teksteve te kengeve te para viteve '90, por edhe me vone vjen për lexuesin me kete përmbledhje poezish nen titullin "Nen bluzën time". Ne gjininë e përkthimeve, është botuar këtë jave "Mesha e Zeze" vijim i kolanes për adoleshente nga "Ditari i Vampirit" i autores.

"The life that we gave," the controversial book writer and poet Baedhyl Londo has already brought in new editions row. As was stated in his media interviews, Londo tells us on page 200 personal memories on the writer's life but also that of his generation, under communist dictatorship. What is expected to give rise to more curiosity in the book is clearly written on his relationship with Kadare, at the time when the last of the famous banned novel "Palace of Dreams". Another well-known local author publishes this week between new publications. Moikon Zeqo brings "bearded Ophelia", a book which he calls a prose summary of living reverse engineering. Irma Kurti, renowned author of the lyrics before the 90s, but later comes to the reader with this collection of poetry under the title "Under my coat." We translations gender, is published this week "Black Mass" following the kolanes for teenage "vampire diary" of the author.

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