Planet X Wikileaks Reveals Hillary Clinton Campaign Emails Discussing Nibiru.

Paschalis. 2016-10-12

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Here is an interesting email sent to Podesta, then forwarded from him to Hillary Clinton that speaks of Nibiru, and the proof that it exists. If this information was nonsense, then why would it be in Hillary’s email? Therefore there must be some truth to it all. Just a few months ago, NASA admitted to a possible 9th mysterious planet out there in orbit. Its been seen on NASA charts and NASA said they found evidence that Planet X does exist and its just a matter of time before they find it. So…it looks like Podesta is pushing Hillary towards disclosure…its not all BS talk to get votes.

Email states:

Glaciers melting at alarming rate! Huge uptick in meteor fireballs! Sharp rise in tornadoes, quakes, volcanic eruptions, sinkholes, landslides, melting permafrost, ocean warming. IS A NEAR-TERM WORLDWIDE CATACLYSM AHEAD ???" (Minds are like parachutes. They only function when they are open!!) A gigantic hierarchical website of transcribed communications to an American woman, over more than 15 years to date, from benevolent extra-terrestrials, claims that Planet X (or historical Nibiru), four times larger in diameter than Earth and magnetically more than 20 times stronger, is on a long elliptical path now slowly passing between the Sun and Earth — and does so every 3600+ years. The existence of Nibiru and its long orbit was first revealed by the Jewish-American scholar Zecharia Sitchin in his 1976 book “The 12th Planet” and multiple follow-on authored books all based on his Middle-Eastern archeological hieroglyphic interpretations. Nibiru was first spotted remotely by USA astronomers in 1983 and reported at that time in the Washington Post — but since has been subject to a governmental coverup. It is currently hidden in the Sun’s glare, but distant photo images have been provided on the website and the internet. As it passes closer to Earth with its long tail of moons and asteroids, likely within the next 24-or-so months, the aliens’ website predicts it will cause a drastic Earth pole shift of about ninety degrees, due to its magnetic strength. This would result per the website in more Earth wobble, then violent mega-earthquakes, super-hurricane winds, worldwide volcanic eruptions, and oceanic sloshing with gigantic tidal waves inundating most low-lying coastal areas and cities, e.g., Netherlands, Denmark, Bangladesh, Singapore, Hong Kong, NYC, LA, Miami. Food, water, electricity, and gasoline distribution would collapse resulting in massive relocations, rampant crime, riots and starvation. Much housing would be destroyed. Melting old poles combined with much warmer oceans due to a hotter Earth core, per the aliens, would cause a greater than 600 foot rise in ocean levels in the following two years. In worst case, as little as ten or twenty percent of the world population might survive.

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