KARTAL GÖKTAN: This is the 9th day of the curfew in Silvan. The governorship stated that 3 civilians, 2 of whom being children, were injured, and added that 5 PKK members were killed. However, some news resources claim that 6 civilians were killed as well. There is also news regarding the tanks being deployed to the district due to insufficient police force, and helicopters are participating in the operation. A civillian is claimed to be caught between cross-fire and killed by a police bullet. There are ongoing difficulties in providing electricity and water to the district of 90.000. In the district that has no telephone or internet access, ambulances experience difficulties in reaching the injured. Exploiting this situation, certain opposition press and PKK sympathizers are carrying out campaigns against Turkey. And in the statement issued by the governorship it is informed that the helicopters do not open fire as they are only used for scouting, and that utmost care is exercised to avoid any harm to the civilians.
ADNAN OKTAR: The lies of the communists, Stalinists, the cowards of PKK are indeed vile and disturbing. The security forces are in fact exercising extreme caution is to the benefit of the PKK, anyway. If the police were not cautious, there would be no PKK; the PKK problem would be completely solved. It would take merely several hours to end the PKK threat in Silvan. They would completely exterminate the PKK. But, in order to avoid any harm to civilians, they are exercising utmost caution and being particularly careful. This is why it takes this long to eliminate the PKK. Otherwise, what is the extent of the PKK's strength? They are a handful of thugs and cowards; it wouldn't take more than a few hours. The police might evacuate the people of Silvan to avoid any harm that might come to them. For example, they can use armored vehicles to reach the wounded. Additionally, we should give the people of Silvan the guarantee to restore their houses to alleviate their suffering. We should repair the house of our fellow citizens. We should provide them financial support because they suffer terribly; their houses sustain considerable damage. How can they cope with it? These people are poor. We should assure them that their houses will be restored. I do not know what practices they follow in this regard, but this is very important.
The PKK is a lawless organization, they are not concerned with whom they do harm. However, the state, the military and the police exercise extreme caution. For example, even if there is a single civilian inside a house occupied by the PKK militants, they wait for days to avoid harming that single civilian. Otherwise, they could storm in the building and deal with the terrorists. But they never do so.
It is highly important to not let the people suffer. We can declare Silvan a disaster area and support our fellow citizens in there financially, right? We can send them blankets, food... The Red Cres