A lady physics lecturer, who was allegedly raped in October, allegedly committed suicide on Saturday. Her body was found hanging in the hostel room of the college. "Yesterday night, we got information that in Rairangpur College, one of the teachers has died," a police officer told ANI. "We rushed to the spot and as per her father's FIR, we have registered a 302 case. Total six persons are allegedly responsible as per the complaint was given by the father of the deceased. Out of the six persons, three have been already arrested," the police officer added. The deceased had filed a rape case on October 30, 2019, at Jharpokharia police station. One of the Police Official has been suspended while Inspector in charge (IIC) for this case has been removed. On October 20, the victim's sister-in-law had invited her to Keonjhar district. On the same day, she proceeded to Keonjhar by bus. She spent the night at her sister-in-law's house. On the next day night at, 1 am accused entered in her room in an inebriated condition and allegedly raped her.