Puneeth Rajkumar, the popular Kannada actor, was laid to rest with full state honours on October 31. The 46-year-old actor was laid to rest at the Kanteerava Studios in Bengaluru. Family members, friends, colleagues from the movie industry, elected representatives and scores of fans attended his funeral. The actor’s last rites were conducted with state honours at Dr Rajkumar Punyabhoomi, next to his parents. He was wrapped in the tricolor. The national flag was then handed over to his wife Ashwini Revanth. Several fans had gathered at the Kanteerava stadium to bid goodbye to their beloved star ‘Appu’. Karnataka chief minister Basavaraj Bommai was also present. The late actor’s daughter reached Bengaluru from the US to say final goodbye to her father. Many from the film industry paid their last respects. Puneeth Rajkumar died on October 29 after suffering a cardiac arrest. He is survived by his wife Ashwini Revanth and daughters Drithi and Vanditha. Watch the video to know more.