5 Comedy groups that have graced the world of indonesian comedy

SEA Today News 2024-02-27

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Industri hiburan Tanah Air dikenal memiliki segudang orang-orang kreatif. Bahkan belakang ini grup lawak batak “Agak Laen” yang filmnya sedang ramai di media sosial dan tembus 7 juta penonton ini ternyata mereka juga terinspirasi dari grup lawak legendaris di Indonesia.

Banyaknya grup lawak yang sudah setia menghibur masyarakat Indonesia, bisa dibilang ada beberapa grup lawak yang cukup fenomenal dan selalu dikenang oleh para penontonnya.

Kira-kira ada grup lawak legendaris apa saja yaa di Indonesia? Yuk, simak video berikut ini!

The country's entertainment industry is known to have a myriad of creative people. Even behind this hobo comedy group "Agak Laen", whose film is currently busy on social media and has reached 7 million viewers, it turns out that they were also inspired by legendary comedy groups in Indonesia.

The number of comedy groups that have faithfully entertained the Indonesian people, you could say that there are several comedy groups that are quite phenomenal and are always remembered by the audience.

What legendary comedy groups are there in Indonesia? Check out this video!

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