The new edition of the International Indian Film Academy (IIFA) Awards is scheduled to take place from September 27 to 29 at Yas Island, Abu Dhabi. The ceremony will be hosted by Shah Rukh Khan and Karan Johar. The event will feature many dazzling performances by celebrities. Legendary actress Rekha will grace the stage with a live performance that is bound to leave the audience spellbound. Other star performers at the annual award night include Shahid Kapoor, Kriti Sanon, Ananya Panday, Janhvi Kapoor, and Vicky Kaushal. The series of events will kick off with IIFA Utsavam on September 27, honouring the finest in South Indian cinema. This will be followed by the main IIFA Awards on September 28. The event will conclude with IIFA Rocks, which is set to take place on September 29.