Moti i ftohte dhe mungesa e ngrohjes ne shkolla, nderpret mesimin ne disa zona te Pogradecit. Dy shkollave dhe nje kopshti ne komunen e Çeraves iu eshte vene dryni.
Per drejtuesit vendore kjo situate ishte e pritshme. Sipas tyre, mungesa e fondeve per rikonstruksionin e shkollave dhe sigurimin e ngrohjes e ben te pamundur zhvillimin e mësimit ne temperatura disa grade nen zero. Por me nje vendim te drejtorisë Arsimore te Pogradecit, 270 nxënësit dergohen ne shkollat e zonave prane, ku me e afërta nga fshati Nizhavec ne Petrushe është1 ore larg. Ne ket dite nxenesit jane detyruar te ecin ne kembe per shkak te rrugeve te bllokuara per mjetet. Nga 12 shkolla qe ka komuna Çerave ne Pogradec, dhjete prej tyre jane te amortizuara, ndersa per ngrohje nuk behet fjale.
Cold weather and lack of heating in schools, disrupts the class in some areas of Pogradec. Two schools and a kindergarten in the municipality is Çeraves was put lock.
For local drivers this situation was expected. According to them, the lack of funds for the reconstruction of schools and provision of heat makes it impossible to hold classes at temperatures a few degrees below zero. But a decision by the Education Department of Pogradec, 270 students sent to schools near areas where close by village Nizhavec in Petrushe është1 hour away. At this day the students were forced to walk because of blocked roads for vehicles. Of the 12 schools that have Çerave municipalities in Pogradec, ten of them are outdated, while heating it comes.