Zgjedhjet, programi i FRD-së - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

VizionPlusAlbania 2015-11-23

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"Fund Tranzicionit per shtetit dhe qytetaret"! Me kete slogan Fryma e re Demokratike prezantoi programin elektoral per zgjedhjet e qershorit. Ne fjalen e tij, kreu i FRD, Bamir Topi sulmoi dy partite tradicionale PD dhe PS si modelet e keqqeverisjes te cilat sipas tij bashkepunuan brenda nates per te ndryshuar kushtetuten. Topi shtoi gjithashtu se nder te tjera FRD do ti jape nje zgjidhje te plote ceshtjes se prones dhe se brenda 3 viteve te para te mandatit, ish te burgosurit dhe ish te perndekurit politik do te demshperblehen. Ne fjalen e tij, Topi nenvizoi se programi i FRD bazohet nder te tjera edhe ne reformen institucionale apo ate ekonomike, duke deklaruar se ky program do ti nenshtrohet me tej diskutimit edhe me grupet e interesit.

"Transition Fund for the state and the citizens"! With this new slogan Spirit presented the Democratic electoral program for the June elections. In his speech, the head of the FRD, Bamir Topi attacked two traditional parties DP and SP models which in his misrule coordinated overnight to change the constitution. Ball added that among other FRD will give a complete solution to the issue of the property and that within the first 3 years of the mandate, the former prisoners and former political perndekurit will indemnified. In his speech, Topi emphasized that FRD ??program is based, inter alia, institutional reform or that economic, stating that this program will be subject to further discussion with stakeholders.

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