Dhunimi i kandidatit te FRD-së -- Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

VizionPlusAlbania 2015-11-23

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Policia e Fierit ka arrestuar mbrëmjen e te mërkurës, 29-vjeçarin nga Roskoveci, Eugen Çaushi, i dyshuar për dhunimin e kandidatit te FRD-se, Mit'hat Hoxha ditën e diele. Ne një deklarate për mediat, policia ka sqaruar se ngjarja nuk ka motive politike. Po sipas policisë, 29-vjeçari nuk rezulton te ketë kërcënuar me pare kandidatin Hoxha, i cili ditën e ngjarjes kallëzoi bashke me bashkëshorten e tij se kishte marre kërcënime për jetën. Hoxha kandidat për deputet i FRD-se, per zonën e Roskovecit ne Fier, është qëlluar me mjete te forta ne koke e trup teksa ka ishte duke hyre ne banesën e tij, mbrëmjen e te dielës.

Fier Police have arrested the evening of Wednesday, 29-year-old from Roskovec Eugen Çaushi suspicion of violation of the FRD's candidate, Midhat Hoxha on the Sunday. In a press statement, the police explained that the event has no political motives. But according to police, 29-year-old does not appear to be threatened by the candidate before Hoxha, who narrated the day of the event along with his wife that he had received death threats. Hoxha candidate for deputy of the FRD's, for Roskovec Fier area, was hit by the strongest tools in the head and body as there was entering his apartment, the Sunday evening.

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