Gjykata lë në "burg pa afat" Asllan Patriotin - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

VizionPlusAlbania 2015-11-22

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Një nga koordinatoret e grevës se ish te burgosurve, Asllan Patrioti do te qëndrojë ne "burg pa afat". Kjo ka qene masa e arrestit qe ka vendosur gjykata e tiranes. Ish i dënuari Patrioti akuzohet se ka mashtruar nje shtetas Italian dhe ka përfituar prej tij 700 euro. Pas seancës gjyqësore avokati mbrojtës u shpreh se do te apeloje vendimin e gjykatës dhe se klienti i tij nuk ka kryer vepre penale. Ndërkohë, ish te burgosurit politike e kane ndjekur nga afër seancën gjyqësore dhe kane lëshuar akuza ndaj sistemit te drejtësie, qe sipas tyre është i kapur nga pushteti dhe se po vendos sipas interesave te tij.

One of the coordinators of the former prisoners' strike, Aslan Patriot will stay in "jail indefinitely." This was the measure of arrest that has decided the Court of Tirana. Former convict Patriot accused of deceiving an Italian citizen and has benefited from his 700 euro. After hearing defense lawyer said he would appeal the decision of the court and his client has not committed a criminal offense. Meanwhile, former political prisoners have closely followed the hearing and have issued charges against the justice system, which according to them is captured from power and that is set according to its interests.

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